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find jobs on one’s own
自谋职业  detail>>
seek jobs on their own
自谋出路  detail>>
on one’ s own
独自地,独立地  detail>>
find its own value in this way
随汇率浮动  detail>>
find your own hiding place!
另找一个藏身处吧,别跟我挤在一块  detail>>
to find a way out on my own
去发现一条让我摆脱困境的路  detail>>
a beam in one’s own eye
自己眼中的梁木;自己严重的缺点  detail>>
at one‘s own expense
自费  detail>>
at one’s own change
自费  detail>>
at one’s(own) expense
由某人出钱(自费)  detail>>
be hoist with one’s own petard
搬石头砸自己的脚 作茧自缚  detail>>
choose one’s own clothes
选择自己的衣服  detail>>
develop a school of one‘s own
独树一帜  detail>>
die by one’s own hand
自杀而死  detail>>
die of one’s own hand
死在自己的手上  detail>>
dig one’s own grave
自取灭亡  detail>>
each with one’s own style
各自成门户  detail>>
eat one’s own flesh
偷懒;好吃懒做  detail>>